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To help enable gender parity for female environmentalists in climate change and environmental sciences in Pakistan, North Carolina State University (NC State) proposes to partner with the Lahore College for Women University (LCWU), together with Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) and SBK Women University (SBKWU) to build a Pakistani Women University Climate Change Consortium (PWUCCC). This platform will help develop Pakistani capacity to adapt to and mitigate climate and associated environmental changes. In particular, this proposal, through the PWUCCC, will establish a Monthly Climate and Environmental Change Women Speaker Webinar series. Each year, US scientists will visit the PWUCCC to give seminars, field courses, training workshops, and climate and associate environmental change forums. Correspondingly, every year, we will host at least 10 Pakistani women faculty, students, and policymakers for 30 days to have a field course, on-campus workshop, and interaction with colleagues at the NC Institute for Climate Studies and OfficeInstitutional Equity and Diversity. Those opportunities would help Pakistani universities and NC State reevaluate the current environmental major teaching and research programs, strengthen each other’s curriculum development, and increase collaborative research, virtual teaching exchanges, professional development for women faculty, and faculty-and-student exchanges.